Been an eternity since I touched this site. I've got like a billion things going on atm and so this kind of got side tracked...
It's sort of hard to pick out what to write about since so much has happened since the last entry.
I guess my anxiety has been a little much as of late, but generally over the last two months I think things are generally really good.
I've been hanging out more with friends, and also getting out to the arcades and just doing more random shit.
I've also very luckily been able to present as a Girl when I'm with friends which has been really great. I remember being stunned walking in the city and seeing like a Girl in place of my reflection (not to sound too wanky or whatever)
I'm always broke now though but that's besides the point.
I've also recently bought a new laptop in preperation for Uni which I'm incredibly nervous for lol. I haven't been drawing lately so I'm rusty as shit, which is not a good thing to be going into an animation course :P
I'm not really sure what else to write about. Sorry this kind of turned into a list of things with no real input, but also reflecting on alot of the good stuff that's happened lately has kind of put aside my anxiety a bit as corny as it is. SO liek maybe this diary is a good tool for me I should update more often.... hmmmm